Multi-Scale Poisson Process Approaches for Analysis Of Paired-End High-Throughput Sequencing Data

This project will build up on the multi-scale method and aim to develop and implement statistical methods that better exploit high-resolution measurements in the paired-end read data. Moreover, the project will aim to apply the proposed methods to identify differences in chromatin organization using paired-end Hi-C data.

Yuxin Yan

The University of Melbourne

Yuxin (Ivy) Yan is an undergraduate international student at Melbourne University completing a Bachelor of Science (majoring in data science). Her interests lie in machine learning and statistics and how to apply data science to tackle challenging real-world problems. For her, data science is a medium for understanding the world. It is rigorous and rational, yet also creative. The passion for data science and the aspiration for an advanced society turn into a huge motivator for her study.

Outside the classroom, Ivy loves cooking, dancing and travelling, she is always up for meeting people and exploring new places. She also enjoys photography, and hope to be a lens for others, as she did when serving as a volunteer teacher across many cities in China and Nepal.

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