Information for students


  • Enrolled at an AMSI Member university
  • Third-year undergraduate or outstanding second-year undergraduate with departmental support
  • Majoring in the mathematical sciences or a cognate discipline
  • Have a strong academic record
  • Continuing to honours and/or postgraduate study in the mathematical sciences (including combined degrees that include mathematics and statistics)
  • Have never participated in AMSI SRS before
  • Available over the summer break to work on a supervised research project (please note SRS is not compatible with full time work or similar)
Information for Students

Research Project

You will be mentored by your nominated supervisor. You should communicate regularly throughout the six-week research project.

As soon as you find out that your application has been successful, you should discuss with your supervisor and managing university department:

  • The focus of your research
  • How you’ll manage your six-week project
  • How to appropriately prepare your report
  • What should be included in your blog
  • Presentation technique for AMSIConnect

Blog Post

The blog post gives you the opportunity to practice discussing research with a wide audience outside of academia. You may choose to write about:

  • Your research project
  • An area of mathematics that interests you
  • How or why you became interested in mathematics

Blog posts should be between 300 and 500 words, written in a manner accessible to non-specialist audiences. More information on how to write a blog and the requirements will be communicated to all successful scholarship recipients.

Guidelines and Templates

Information Booklet

The Information Booklet includes report and presentation guidelines, tips for writing a blog post and the AMSI Style Guide. Refer to this document and templates below:

  • In preparation for AMSIConnect
  • Before finalising your report and blog post

AMSIConnect Presentation Template (available mid-September)

Your AMSIConnect presentation should adhere to the AMSI Style Guide (found in the information booklet) and be supported by a PowerPoint/LaTeX presentation using the following template:

You are encouraged to access the LaTex template via Overleaf to eliminate issues arising from dependencies on operating environments.




Research Report Template (available in September)

Write your report in a formal style, per a scientific journal. It must adhere to the AMSI Style Guide (found in the information booklet) and be submitted as a PDF. Use one of the following templates:

You are encouraged to access the LaTex template via Overleaf to eliminate issues arising from dependencies on operating environments.




Report & Blog Submission

You must submit your research report and blog post by 28 February 2025. Ensure  your supervisor proofs them first!

Research report:

  • Use the AMSI report template and adhere to the AMSI style guide (found in the information booklet).
  • Submitted as a .pdf file named LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_SRS-Report.pdf

Blog post

  • Submit as a .doc file named LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_SRS-Blog.docx


During the submission process you will need to conform the following:

  • Your blog post and research report have been approved by your supervisor
  • You have adhered to the Intellectual Policy and Plagiarism Policy of your home university
  • You completed the work myself and highlighted the work of others where

Intellectual Policy

The SRS program follows the Intellectual Policy and Plagiarism policy of the university that you are enrolled in and/or the AMSI partner organisation at which you undertake your project. Please ensure that you are aware of the relevant policies and requirements.

Have Your Plans Changed?

Project or Supervisor Updates

If your project needs to be refocused or amended, y or if there are changes in your supervisor(s), please notify AMSI at as soon as possible.

For significant changes, permission must be obtained from the AMSI Research and Higher Education Program Manager and the Head of Department at your home university.


If you need to withdraw from AMSI SRS, discuss this with your supervisor first. For special circumstances contact AMSI directly to explore flexibility options.

If you decide to withdraw, notify the following by email as soon as possible:

Your withdrawal will be reviewed, and payment will be adjusted accordingly.


You will receive a stipend payment of A$3000 ex GST administered by your home university, or the university at which you’re enrolled to undertake a Summer Research Scholarship. AMSI pays the university A$3000 ex GST by invoice on receipt of your final research paper and blog post

Scholars should speak to their university’s SRS contact or mathematical sciences department to discuss payment arrangements (most AMSI member universities have had Summer Research Scholars in previous years, and should be aware of the processes).


In February you will participate in AMSIConnect, the exclusive national conference for AMSI Summer Research Scholars. You’ll present your research project, hear from invited guest speakers, participate in a careers panel Q&A and network with fellow Scholars. Project supervisors are also encouraged to participate in the conference and chair a session.

There are prizes up for grabs for the best presentation, awarded according to audience votes.

Note: it is a condition of accepting this scholarship that you attend for the full duration of the AMSIConnect conference. In exceptional circumstances, please email to discuss.

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