Mathematical Modelling of Harmful Algal Blooms

Nowadays, climate change represents a major threat to life on Earth. These effects affect freshwater and marine environments causing harmful algal blooms. Algae blooms increase a threat to other marine life because of excessive oxygen absorption in the water. Moreover, it also poses a danger to human health as worse as affects the economics of aquatic products. For these reasons, a mathematical modelling project to prevent harmful algal blooms should be necessary.

Ngoc Phuong Van Nguyen

Swinburne University of Technology

Ngoc Phuong Van Nguyen is a third-year undergraduate student at Swinburne University of Technology. Undertaking a Bachelor of Science majoring in Applied Mathematics, her research interest is the way computation and modelling can be used to great benefit across various disciplines. She always enjoys playing around with numbers and she likes to find tricks to solve mathematical equations quickly. Besides, she often hangs out with her friends or plays video games after an intense period of studying to relax her mind.

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