“This fantastic opportunity helped me to develop my written
and verbal communication, and to build independence in
finding solutions to problems.”

Ashley Hanson, The University of Melbourne

Use the guidelines and templates below for your presentation, report and blog


Refer to the following documents throughout your research project:


AMSIConnect Presentation

Your AMSIConnect presentation should adhere to the AMSI Style Guide (found in the information booklet) and be supported by a PowerPoint/LaTeX presentation using the following template:

You are encouraged to access the LaTex template via Overleaf to eliminate issues arising from dependencies on operating environments.

Research Report

Write your report in a formal style, per a scientific journal. It must adhere to the AMSI Style Guide (found in the information booklet) and be submitted as a PDF. Use one of the following templates:

You are encouraged to access the LaTex template via Overleaf to eliminate issues arising from dependencies on operating environments.

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