Predicting Relapse in Colorectal Cancer Patients Using Feature Extraction

Determine whether lymphocyte features can predict time-to-relapse in stage II and III colorectal cancer patients. Deep learning and conformal prediction techniques will be used in the project.

The proposed research will be conducted in collaboration with clinicians from the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute.

Nauvoo Perez

La Trobe University

Nauvoo Perez is a third-year undergraduate student at La Trobe University studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Statistics. During her first semester of studies, Nauvoo discovered the joys of debugging, looking for lost semi-colons, and creating applications that run off of noodle logic. Since then, Nauvoo has been exploring the various spaces wherein statistics and programming intersect. In addition to building her career as a biostatistician or data scientist, Nauvoo aspires to one day work with young mothers who wish to return to formal education to pursue a STEM career.
Outside of her academic endeavours, Nauvoo can be found bouldering, participating in collaborative storytelling, or trying to beat the Amazon campaign in Settlers III.

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