Naturally Reductive Metrics on Homogeneous Spaces

Recent work by [APZ] uses the computation of the Ricci curvature of naturally reductive metrics from D’Atri and Ziller to address the Prescribed Ricci Curvature problem on compact Lie groups. This project aims to further study naturally reductive metrics on different classes of homogeneous spaces and understanding the computations of the Ricci curvature of such metrics. Further, it aims to generalise the arguments in [AGP] to begin the computation of the Ricci curvature on more general classes of groups and homogeneous spaces.

Marcus Flook

The University of Queensland

Marcus Flook has just completed his third year of the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) at the University of Queensland. His research interests are in differential geometry and functional analysis. Marcus has gained valuable research experience in pure mathematics throughout his degree and is excited to further develop his mathematical knowledge through this research scholarship. In 2021, he is looking forward to pursuing an honours project in an area similar to his project over the summer.

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