Parameterising Heat Diffusion Equations in 2D/3D Geometries

This project focusses on the laser flash method, the most popular technique for measuring the thermal diffusivity of solids. During the experiment, the front surface of a small sample is subjected to a heat pulse of radiant energy and the resulting temperature rise on the opposite (rear) surface recorded. Recently, a new method was proposed by Dr Carr for calculating this important material property from the rear-surface temperature rise history that is more accurate and less susceptible to measurement error than a widely-used standardised approach. The proposed AMSI VRS project will extend this work to accommodate two-dimensional annular geometries and three-dimensional spherical shell geometries in polar and spherical coordinates, respectively.

Luke Filippini

Queensland University of Technology

Luke Filippini is, as of December 2021, a recent graduate of the Queensland University of Technology, completing a Bachelor of Mathematics. He undertook a major in applied and computational mathematics, with a second major in statistics. Luke has a keen interest in developing numerical and analytical solutions to partial differential equations, modelling the flow or transfer of various substances or quantities throughout a region of interest. As part of his degree, he learnt to model various complex processes, such as heat transfer and groundwater flow. In his AMSI Vacation Research Scholarship project, he is seeking to analyse the flow of a substance through annular and spherical geometries.

Recently, as part of his last semester, Luke undertook two work integrated learning (WIL) projects to apply and enhance his skills. One of these projects involved modelling the flow of groundwater and a contaminant in a landfill site. To do so, Luke had to extend his skills that are directly applicable to his AMSI VRS project. As a result, Luke is a keen individual with experience in MATLAB programming, LaTeX typesetting, and mathematical report writing.

Additionally, Luke has also applied to undertake a Master of Philosophy (Mathematics) degree at QUT, beginning early 2022. The research he will complete is directly relevant to his AMSI VRS project, so he is eager to obtain valuable experience through his work over the summer period.

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