A Mutual Information-Based Metric for Assessing Partitions of Dynamical Systems

The partitioning of dynamical systems is necessary to apply a symbolic dynamics analysis. While many partitioning schemes exist, there is currently no rigorous method for assessing the performance of these schemes. In this project, we propose a mutual information-based metric for quantifying the performance of a partition on a dynamical system, and assess its viability on a set of test systems.

Jason Lu

The University of Western Australia

Jason is passionate about using maths to explore and solve real world problems. Currently, his interests lie in complex and dynamical systems, and in particular, the modelling of complex networks. However, his interests are always evolving, so he’s always excited to learn new maths.

Jason spent his first three years at The University of Western Australia studying maths and electrical engineering; in 2024, he plans to undertake an honours year with the UWA Complex Systems Group.

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