“The main aim of this research is to develop more flexible transformations for use with BSC (Bayesian Score Calibration). We will consider parametric and non-parametric functions, for example polynomials and Gaussian processes, respectively. Our flexible transforms should result in more accurate posterior approximations for the model of
interest, still only relying on a small number of complex model simulations. Furthermore, our approach should be more effective at recalibrating approximate posteriors over a wider region of the parameter space. There are many motivating applications which use a surrogate model to form an approximate posterior.”
Queensland University of Technology
Jack Fewtrell is a final-year Bachelor of Mathematics and Information Technology student
majoring in Statistics and Computer Science at Queensland University of Technology. He
plans to pursue a career in Mathematics and Statistics by continuing into research and
academia. His current interests lie in Bayesian statistics and Statistical Inference. Jack
enjoys the problem-solving challenges from a Mathematics degree and is passionate about
applying Statistics in real world systems.